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Dropping Soon!
1 minute read

🗣Were very happy to announce the server should be releasing within the month of September!

👀What this means,

An experience is about to unfold and we will work diligently to uphold the quality.

🕗What to Expect

So far we have a few things in the works the key features being, Daily Rewards, Daily Quests, NPC Gyms, Level Cap Progression, Elite 4, and many many more things currently on or soon to come!

👨‍👩‍👧We hope to you see here with us to grow a beautiful community, so stay tuned.

Beta Test!
🖱🎮Beta Testing will be rolling out very soon If you'd like to apply for beta testing  you can do so at after we get a certain amount of players deemed good enough to beta test we will whitelist all beta testers,...
1 minute read
The Beginning Of DracoMC
Hey there, and welcome to DracoMC! This server has been a real passion project, and I'm so excited to finally share it with you. I've poured a lot of heart into making this place something special, and I really hope you feel that as you explore...
1 minute read